Thursday, August 16, 2012

Understanding Is Everything

This morning saw me sitting in a doctor’s office for a good hour just chatting about my recent medical stuff.  While an hour may seem like a long time, trust me if flew by and I am all the better for it.  I feel so much more informed and empowered.  I think things will go up from here.  Maybe fixing things is out of the question for now but at least a level of understanding has been reached.  From here everything is easier to manage.

Before my doctor’s appointment this morning, I woke up and got my booty moving.  I figured I would stay in today instead of going to the fitness center.  To get my heart rate up I did some tabatas and boy was I sweaty afterwards!

Triple Tabata Workout_2

I always feel weary of tabatas, like they’re not going to give me a good workout, but I am always wrong.  Seriously, 260 calories of interval training is no joke and I was thoroughly worn by the end.  I showered quickly and made myself a carrot cake protein smoothie to go as I drove to the doc’s office.


Traffic was kind of insane and I’m fairly sure I hit most, if not all, red lights but I entertained myself…obviously.


After the appointment I headed back to campus for patient prep and presentation but before that I had an ice cream social to get to.  We may be a wild bunch at my lab but this has got to be a new record for us.


We had everything from sugar wafers to cookie dough and every sauce under the sun along with three kinds of ice cream (birthday cake, fudge swirl, and Neapolitan).  I quickly made myself a bowl with a brownie on the bottom, the first two kinds of ice cream, some hot fudge, cookie down, peanut butter magic shell, various candies, and whipped cream.  Plus, it isn’t a sundae without a cherry on top!


Sugar coma anyone?  Oh yes, we all were having some satisfied tummies and droopy eyes but seriously it was all worth it.  So good!  I was powered all the way through the afternoon and evening on this bowl of deliciousness.  That included a two hour class on teratogens and fetal alcohol syndrome disorders.  No sleeping for me.  I was wired.  On the way home I was caught in the rain but that was the least of my worries.


I spent the remainder of the day on the internet researching all sorts of things including infertility patient satisfaction with genetic counseling and outcome measures for genetic counselors.  Interesting huh?  If you asked me about an hour ago I might have said yes but at this point I’ve read so many articles they are all blending together.  Ahhhh!  It is pretty cool though to read about how beneficial patients find genetic counseling.  Makes me feel great about going into this awesome field!

Questions: Do you think tabatas give you a good workout?
What your favorite ice cream topping?


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