Hello all! Another day, another Wednesday, another “What I Ate” post.

So let’s get started. Now, I’ll admit first off that today is almost an exact repeat of yesterday. That happens from time to time but, second off, that means those foods must have been delicious right? Oh yea. My breakfast cake was chocolate today instead of vanilla though I still topped it with flax seed peanut butter, maple syrup, and chia seeds.
I think I eat these cakes so much because they’re portable and an incredibly great way to pack in all the refueling protein I need after my Insanity workouts. They also have a track record of keeping me pretty full throughout the morning. As it so happens, this morning was full of tubes, numbers, labels, and laughs. Michael and I worked over in the clinical basement by ourselves from 8-12. Thankfully we took some breaks.
And they were all sorts of sunshiny! I loved it. I basked and almost fell asleep like a lizard on a rock as I laid out on the sidewalk. Yes, I am that classy. Hey, when you’re stuck in a dingy basement all morning, you want to soak up as many rays as possible. Finally, lunch rolled around and I was hungry by that point so I all but scarfed down my leftover corn chowder with TVP and blueberries.
By the time I was finished I was still wanting food but I decided to let myself sit for a bit and become full. It worked and I stayed pretty satisfied while Michael and I returned to the basement for the whole afternoon. Because I’m not in clinic on Friday, I didn’t have to do patient prep this afternoon so I took the time to make some more money. When we called it quits for the day around 4p I was getting grumbly so I snacked on a sensible apple to tide me over.
After I got home I decided a quick errand trip was in order. I ended up with a $3 dress from Goodwill, Slumdog Millionaire in paperback (I loved the movie so I figured the book can’t be too bad), a new pair of shorts, and some granulated and powdered sugar for cupcakes next week.
By the time I got home my apple had definitely worn off so I was hankering for some food. Sadly, I had promised myself that I would eat a salad but I was really craving carbs so I ate up both. My salad was almost an identical copy of last night’s but with no nooch and a different dressing, homemade ranch this time around. On the side I made a grilled cheese with sandwich spread, spicy mustard, and a three cheese blend.
A bit later I kind of wanted dessert so I let ‘er rip with a single serving chocolate cake accompanied by some fudge brownie and cappuccino chip ice cream. I was debating having this since I wasn’t necessarily hungry but I figured it was something I really wanted and I had calories to burn. I’ve been really tired lately and I was batting about the idea that it was because I wasn’t eating enough this week. To that end, I had dessert. I realize there might have been a better way to get calories in but this was what happened, and it was delicious. I even baked the single serve cake in a mini loaf pan I got last holiday season. How adorable.
Now I think it’s time to wrap up this WIAW post and pack up for this weekend’s getaway. It’s supposed to be bloody warm where we’re going so I’m thinking dresses and shorts are the way to go. I wonder how light I can pack since we’re only going away for two days?? Challenge accepted!
Questions: Do you struggle with allowing yourself to have dessert?
Have you had the chance to lay out in the sun lately?
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