No wonder. Anyways, I broke my fast with a hard-baked egg sprinkled in curry spice mix alongside some peanut butter waffles with chia seeds.
It was a yummy first meal of the day. Not super front-loaded but better than yesterday. My second class was cancelled today, much to everyone’s delight, so I spent the extra time getting a few more tons more visual aids. My binder seriously weighs at least six pounds I swear. Haha. I ate lunch while I caught up on old prenatal lectures about first and second trimester testing. I had an egg salad sandwich with cheddar cheese and some [rather ashy] baby carrots with edamame hummus to dip.
Sadly, the sandwich fell short, really short. I couldn’t taste the cheese and the egg salad was in desperate need of salt and pepper. Maybe garlic too, or onion powder. On the way up to my prenatal clinic site, I treated myself to a rice krispy treat. The subsequent afternoon was spent editing template letters and observing one session. To give you an idea…there were six patients scheduled. Yea, it was one heck of a no-show, reschedule-me, I-don’t-need-genetic-counseling afternoon. Oh well. I’ll get some more observation in tomorrow.
I wasn’t terribly hungry for the majority of the afternoon but I snacked on some jerky on the way home around 5:15 when I started to get a wee bit rumbly. I probably should have had more because I planned on making some copycat Panera black bean soup. It started out with lots of rainbow-y vegetables: onion, celery, red pepper, and yellow pepper. Some garlic in there too.
Next up came the double strength vegetable broth.
That simmered and then I added some black beans before pureeing in Vera the Vitamix.
That went back into the pot and got a can more of black beans added to it. Then we stirred in cornstarch and lemon juice.
Simmer, simmer, simmer some more to thicken… Then decide you want cornbread.
I whipped up a quarter recipe to make three little muffins. And, beause I was silly and hadn’t preheated the oven, I snacked on an apple while everything was heating/cooking/simmering. I was so hungry, I couldn’t wait anymore.
For actual dinner, I had some cornbread, cut in half, slathered with butter and drenched in honey. Oh my gosh. It’s been so long since I’ve had honeyed corn bread and I couldn’t get enough.
The soup was incredible too. I honestly will be making this again. Not to mention having a helping tomorrow for lunch and maybe even for dinner…haha. I love it when I find something so yummy.
Questions: What’s your favorite Panera soup?
What’s your best copycat recipe?
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