All this moisture in the air is making my hair curl! It would be nice if frizz didn’t come along with the curliness though. Oh well.
Today’s eats included a last minute breakfast thanks to my complete absentmindedness and morning rush.

I really needed to eat something because I had already taken all my vitamins for the day. When I do that on an empty stomach I get real sick. Now why would you have taken them this morning without eating you say? I honestly thought I’d be having my smoothie in all of three minutes when I got to my car. Then I forgot it, and my stomach turned. It was all I could do to keep from hurling before I managed to shove an apple slice into my mouth.
I enjoyed the hard boiled egg with some provided salt and pepper and squeezed the peanut butter all over the biscuit thing. Finished just in time for class. I made it through 3/4 of our first class today then had to skip out and make my way to my clinic site to give my presentation to the medical residents. All in all, it went well. I was pleased. Probably even more so pleased that it was done! Lunch came after.
I made a huge loaded salad and had it with a honeyed greek yogurt dressing with lemon pepper seasoning. This kept me full for a bit but after seeing my first patient I needed an afternoon pick me up. Protein to the rescue.
After all I had lifted for close to forty minutes today and burned some calories while building muscle this morning. My body was probably entirely too thankful for the protein kick in the four o’clock hour.
Even did way better on my body weight matrix this time around. By like a minute or more!
By the time I got home around six I applied for great looking prenatal/reproductive job that was literally just posted. I was so excited. I couldn’t even take the time to eat dinner just yet. I held myself over with pickles as I finished up my cover letter.
Only after I had submitted my CV and such did I have dinner. Leftover sweet potato cauliflower bisque with a sandwich on the side of edamame hummus and sundried tomato spread. Really good food.
A perfect night I’d say. Well, that is until I started writing my patient letter. Or should I say bumbling through my patient letter. I should probably go and focus on that huh? Yea, off I go. One more patient tomorrow!
Questions: Ever tried sundried tomato spread?
What is your favorite kind of pickle?
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