My name is Jillian, or Jill, and I am in love with food, fitness, and most of all, the field of genetic counseling. I am about to enter my first year of a Masters in Genetic Counseling program but first I am graduating with my Masters in Bioethics on July 23rd.

I actually just finished my creative project (thesis paper written for a Masters of Arts degree) and submitted it to the graduate school which was a super large accomplishment. I am in love with the topic and am considering perhaps continuing in this vein for my next Masters thesis.
This morning I ran 2 miles and the outside of my left knee (12-2 o'clock when facing the joint) sort of ached. It got better the longer I ran and thankfully it was not too warm out yet. I hate when its so hot out it feels like you're running through water instead of air. Usually running earlier is better so I was glad to run before 10am.
For a post-run breakfast, I decided to tackle this recipe: Kaiserschmarrn. It's kind of like a scrambled pancake, or at least that's how you make it. I was nervous because I wasn't sure I wanted it to taste like a messy pancake and thankfully, I was pleasantly surprised.
Traditionally served with just a dusting of powdered sugar, this breakfast recipe turned out pretty nice. I wouldn't want it every day but it was a nice switch up. While I would love to keep talking, I do have work at three and need to take care of some errands before hand so I'm out for now. Thanks for reading and I hope you continue to follow. I think it will be fun. =D
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