Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The A to Z of Me

For tonight, I thought I would kick it and not do homework…not read…but instead do a survey I’ve been reading in a bunch of blogs I read.


A is for age: I am 23 going on 24 which my mother saw fit to bring up and get emotional about close to five times this past spring break.  Her baby is all grown up.

B is for breakfast today: I took some of my big batch crockpot steel cut oats and mixed in some mustard once they were warm.  I poached an egg and laid that on top of the oatmeal and shook on a whole bunch of nutritional yeast.  Once in the shuttle on my way to class this morning I broke the yolk and stirred in its rich, creamy goodness.  Delicious!


C is for currently craving: Cream soda…oh wait, my lovely boyfriend bought me a two case of Zevia.  Problem solved!


D is for dinner tonight: Sautéed gnocchi with mushrooms, onions, spinach, and liquid smoke infused TVP all tossed in a sweet and sour sauce.  It was pretty good.  I went back to the kitchen and added some onion powder and pepper to tweak it just a bit.  Yum.


E is for favorite type of exercise: I really like to run.  Wow, I never thought I would say that but I seriously enjoy it.  I love racing too.  It’s great.  Sadly though my shins have other ideas about this whole running thing.  I really want them to get better, to get stronger, to get less sore…because I want to run.

F is for an irrational fear: Spiders, hands-down.  It’s silly, yes.  It’s debilitating, sometimes.  It’s getting easier, maybe.

G is for gross food: I used to have a go-to answer for this questions: glazed carrots.  However, now I am having serious trouble figuring out what to say.  I think gross food at this point would probably be something crazy like pig’s feet or tongue.  Yea, nasty.

H is for hometown: Mmmm, I’m not going to say but I will admit that it is located in a state that starts and ends with “O”.  =D

I is for something important: My schoolwork to become a genetic counselor, my friends, my family, my love…take your pick.

J is for current favorite jam: Stonewall Kitchen’s raspberry peach champagne.


K is for kids: None though sometimes I called the students that I taught in my first grad program my “kids”.

L is for current location: Again, not something I’m cool disclosing.  However, I am 100% where I need to be currently.  I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.

M is for the most recent way you spent money: My local health food store because I stocked up on oat bran, rolled oats, steel cut oats, wheat germ, and TVP. 

N is for something you need: A KitchenMaid mixer, in orange.  Please.  (Okay, so maybe that’s more of a want…)

O is for occupation: I am a genetic counseling student most of the time and a lab tech part of the time.  I have a really cushy job actually.  I come in when I can, zone out and precipitate DNA/spec samples/cleanse pellets, then leave when I need to do patient prep for school.  Plus, they know I’m a student, in fact the PI of my lab is one of my professors, so they don’t care if I need to call off for exams and projects.

P is for pet peeve: Long nails.  Ever since I went to Costa Rica in 2007 to work with a group doing turtle conservation I cannot keep them long.  We had to dig turtle nests in the sand and if you had even a bit of nail, a bit of that white rim, sand would wedge itself underneath.  It was unhappily painful.  Therefore, long nails were a no-no and I have simply continued the tradition.

Q is for a quote: “You are the definition of beauty.” – Unknown

R is for random fact about you: My picture, and therefore my blog, were on page 2 of a Google image search for Zima tomatoes (my answer to the next prompt).  Kind of cool, just sayin’.


S is for favorite healthy snack: Sweet grape tomatoes.

T is for favorite treat: Geeze, I can’t pick.  Seriously, just look at the name of my blog.  So, ummm, some of the top contenders would include froyo, brownies, cake, cookies…  Though right now I could go for a spoon and a can of frosting.  =D

U is for something that makes you unique: I will have three higher education degrees by age 24.  P.R.O.U.D.

V is for favorite vegetable: Carrots.  They taste great with ranch and hummus just as well as peanut butter and you can use them in cake (one of my favorite kinds!).  They even make stellar oatmeal.  I would say that’s pretty awesome.

W is for today’s workout: 18 minutes on the elliptical, 18 minutes on the stationary bike, and 20 minutes of Jillian Michael abs.  I did this around 5p and I hadn’t eaten since 12:30 so I was not moving very quickly.  Bad choice.

X is for X-rays you’ve had: Oh Lordie, let me count the films: all my chiropractic x-rays (things like cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine shots); multiple multiple renal and bladder X-rays because of my kidney stones; and then a ton of X-rays of my feet, hands, chest, and hips after my accident.

Y is for yesterday’s highlight: The absolutely gorgeous day.  I walked home from class in the sunshine!


Z is for your time zone: Eastern standard time, thank you.


Now that you know a bit more about me I am heading to bed.  I need some sleep before I tackle tomorrow.  I think I’m going to have a beautiful walk to class in the morning and a hot one from class in the afternoon.  It’s supposed to be 80 some degrees.  Craziness!!  Good news though: I have an hour long massage on the Wednesday schedule.  Oh yes, sounds great.  Speaking of sounds though, before I go, I want to share a song by Lifehouse that I listened on my walk home today.  I love this band.

Question: I ask you to do this survey too!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for finding my blog so that I could find yours, I love it! Looking forward to future posts! xoxo


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