Sunday, May 6, 2012

Mad Alphabetizing Skills

Today I spent my afternoon helping two of my lovely friends move into their new house.  Did I just say that?  Do they seriously own a house for real?  It’s so hard to believe.  They are my age and they are married and have a home and wow, they’re real grown-ups.  It’s days like this that remind me how far I am from that.

The day started off with parish breakfast where we served waffles with strawberries and whipped cream.  I didn’t have any but I heard they were like eating candy.  I came back to the apartment afterwards in favor of doing an interval run, weights, and abs.  My run was nice and I did a Fitnessista ab workout.  In the weight room I did a superset workout from Fitness Perks.  I felt pretty worked by the time I hopped in the shower.  Then I scooted on over to Matt and Ashley’s new house.  We ate some chicken and bacon pizza before carpooling over to their old apartment to move things.

I hunkered down in the kitchen and packed all the dishes and cooking things as well as silverware and such.  Food also got shoved into big bins and into the back of the car.  Clothes filled up the remaining nooks and crannies left in the trunk.  I also served as a filler in the back seat.  I was boxed in on all sides.  There was a lot in the car!


We unloaded everything when we got back to the house and then settled into the living room to polish cabinets and sort XBox games and DVDs.  Not only did we replace all the DVDs back into their cases (they were in a CD binder) but we organized them all, alphabetized them, and shelved each one.  Man, I have never sung the alphabet to myself so many time!


After all that brain workout we were all really hungry.  We didn’t even know what time it was when we finally came up for air.  It was 7:30 and famished was a fairly appropriate word.  Chinese was the name of the game so we tried a new Chinese place local to the new house and boy, did it work out perfectly.  It was incredibly good.  I had some crispy crab rangoon and a nice half-half serving of garlic chicken and chicken with broccoli.


The latter was awesomely salty and soy saucy.  I couldn’t get enough.  The garlic chicken was kind of sweet and the mushrooms were the best part.  I scarfed down my whole bowl and went back for a touch more of both.  Now I’m about to head to bed and get some sleep before the work week starts.  I can’t believe it’s already Sunday night.  Where did the weekend go?

Questions: What’s your favorite Chinese dish?
What’s the easiest room in your house to move?


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