Today was a really productive day. Man, it felt good. I woke up immediately busted out a four mile run followed by a weights session.
Cross body hammer curls
Weighted squats
Tricep dips
Lateral lunges
I came back to the apartment and refueled with a bowl of cottage cheese, pineapple, strawberries, blackberries, flax, wheat germ, and chia seeds.

I ate it while I called a potential new employer. A few days ago I was contacted regarding being a specialty baker for a family who has a child with a metabolic disorder. Essentially I will be going over to their house twice a month to bake up a storm and replenish their pantry and freezer with baked goods and foods that the child can actually eat. How neat is this? I get paid to go and bake with a wonderful family. Yes, please, I’ll take that opportunity. The mom was really happy to see my profile on because it said I was a genetic counseling student. She told me on the phone she was so excited that she had found someone who wouldn’t be intimidated by all the big medical words she would be throwing around. It was really cute to hear the relief in her voice. I’m pretty pumped to start work for her family!
I figured after I finished my late breakfast I should get going on my teratogen summary on chloroform exposure. My goal was to finish it by the day’s end. I worked and worked and not two-ish hours later I was hungry. I cut up some cheese and apple slices for a snack.

More work ensued. I have never looked up so many primary articles in my life. Seriously, I found some lactation research on mom who ingested chloroform from 1908… Thank you med school for having such an awesome subscription library!! Man, I must have been hungry today though because literally in another two hours I was hankering for food again so I warmed up some leftover sour cream nooch TVP casserole.

Though I felt a little weird eating something so dinner-like at 4:15 in the afternoon it was seriously delicious. I love that I have a ton of leftovers of this. It’s going to make great lunches next week. Finally a bit after 7 o’clock I called it a day. My summary was done and that baby was something like six pages. I was told these summaries would take more time than I expected but dang, six and a half hours is kind of crazy and that doesn’t count the work I did a few days ago on it. I’m not particularly looking forward to the next two.

To give myself a much needed break I decided some froyo was in order. It was such a beautiful and sunny day out that I slipped into flip flops and walked to the shop down the street a few blocks over. I must say I listened to some pretty relevant music while I enjoyed the weather.

I ended up filling my cup with red velvet, peanut butter, original tart, and chocolate frozen yogurt along with all manner of toppings from golden Oreo crumbles to peanut butter cups and chocolate espresso bean to something like four kinds of sauces. Yea, go big or go home right?

I continued to enjoy the sunshine while I scooped the goodness out of my bowl. It was so warm out on the bench that I couldn’t eat it quick enough. Things got a bit soupy but it was no less scrumptious.

I took my time walking home and when I got there I read some more of Divergent. I am really sucked in at this point. The plot is thickening and I’m wondering what’s next. I did have a great moment though this evening when I was sitting there and all I could think was “yea Will, you’re my kind of boy.”

I love it when books make me smile. Not even half a page later, this wonderful quote emerged:

So, yea, I’m digging Divergent. If you haven’t jumped on this train, you should. Quick. Before the rest of the world gets too far ahead of you and you don’t know what’s going on. You don’t want to miss this read.
Friday French –>
Phrase: Je vois deux patients ce matin.
Translation: I’m seeing two patients this morning.
Story: Now that I have started honest to goodness rotations, I need this phrase in my vocabulary since I see two patients on Fridays now for a while.
Phrase: Voulez-vous obtenir du yogourt glacé avec moi?
Translation: Do you want to get frozen yogurt with me?
Story: I could have used this tonight. While solo frozen yogurt is fine, froyo with company is way better. Sadly, there is no translation for “froyo”…

Questions: Have you read Divergent? Thoughts?
What did you do today that was productive?