This is a What I Ate Wednesday post and, to kick things off, I made it through my role play!!! Let us rejoice!

I had a period of 20 seconds-ish when I completely lost it. My train of thought just totally derailed and I admit, it was a moment of sheer panic. I couldn’t believe it was happening but I pushed through.
The day started out with a liquid breakfast: carrot cake in a tumbler!!
I really do love this smoothie, in fact I might actually call it a shake because it was so creamy this morning. The secret really is making the base the night before. I walked to class sipping and rehearsing.
By the time I got to the student room I felt prepared but that confidence just slipped away as the clock ticked down to class at 9am. We walked over and discovered our order, I was to go second. Corrie went first and rocked her presentation and talked about some of the same stuff I was going to tackle (collagen gene mutations) and that really threw me off. I was so caught up in what she was saying that I realized when she finished that I forgot what I was supposed to say about my own session.
After a few deep breaths I made my way through my information. I stumbled, yes. I said um a few times, yes. I finished it on my own, YES. Everyone said great things so that made me feel good but I forget what exactly was said because I was shaken. It’s a good thing that we get to have written evaluations returned to us. I need to improve.
Directly after our role plays finished we headed over to the lecture hall for a special seminar on prenatal diagnosis and aCGH. I was exhausted after the role play and nodded off a little bit but made it through. The thought of lunch coming soon helped. We returned to the student room and I hunkered down to work on my case prep examination due on Tuesday. I also took the time to snack on my weird-looking, awesome-tasting version of peanut butter and “jelly”.
I took yogurt and mixed in PB2 to make the peanut butter part and then added some oats for thickness and staying power. I then halved some grapes and added them in for the jelly part of the meal. It was good.
Genetics class was another one full of stuff most of us already knew so I had to struggle to remain focused and attentive. The fun part was learning about the diseases/disorders we were using as examples for the modes of inheritance. That bit kept me slightly interested which carried me through the class.
I caught a ride home with April because it was threatening to rain. I had her drop me off at my local Marsh so that I could transfer a prescription and as a happy, lucky find I scored oat bran too!! I was pumped.
Until now I hadn’t been able to find it outside of bulk bins at specialty stores so having it right down the street makes everything so much easier. I walked home munching on a Mojo Mountain Mix bar (not photographed because I was dodging rain drops) and then headed to the fitness center. I did 15 minutes at 7+mph and then a 3 minute cool down followed by 18 minutes on the reclined stationary bike. Felt great and sweaty and the perfect prelude to my first night out with my new Supper Club!!!
I drove twenty minutes to Sandra Rice and Noodles to meet up with everyone. It was my first time so I was nervous but more excited and hungry than anything else. Right off the bat I fit in perfectly. Loved it!!! The owner was super nice and made us a whole bunch of off-the-menu dishes and served everything family style so we got to try it all. We started with spring rolls filled with Vietnamese sausage, jicama, and carrot. (By the way, I apologize for the pictures. They were taken with my cell phone because I totally forgot my real camera. Sorry!)
Next up with beef pho. The broth was to die for.
We had papaya salad to follow and it was served with these great puffed rice chips. I could have eaten the entire plate. It was dressed in lime and fish sauce and was so great.
Sweet and sour soup was the next dish and the chunks of pineapple made me smile.
The following plate was a whole tilapia cooked in a chili and lemongrass sauce. The skin was incredibly crispy and tasted wonderful.
Another dish came out with the fish and it was by far my favorite. Shortribs with lemongrass sauce. It was HEAVEN in a mouthful. Oh. My. Wow.
I also scarfed down a piece of curried tofu. Great flavor.
When we had finished all of these delicacies, dessert came out. There were three kinds of treats. Two different rice puddings: corn and taro (the latter was the better of the two) and a sticky rice with a coconut-palm sugar glaze. I had three helpings of the taro rice pudding after I realized just how great it was. Scrumptious indeed!
The dinner finished with this awesome, really expensive, funny looking fruit. It looks like a grape’s awkward cousin when you get it peeled. It had a sweet flavor.
What a night! I couldn’t have asked for more and I can’t wait for the next one. Not only did everyone share things and eat off each other’s plates but they didn’t think it was weird to be photographing the food and everyone was just so chill. I have found my people!!!
Hope you enjoyed all that food porn. I know I enjoyed eating it all. Tomorrow is a long day on campus so I’m going to get some sleep. Good night world. I appreciate how awesome you have made my life. =D
Questions: Have you had Vietnamese food? If so, what did you like? If not, what looks like something you would want to try?
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